Recently, actor Mark Wahlberg, aka Marky Mark of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, has requested a pardon for a felony crime he committed during 1988 in Massachusetts. You can read the full Yahoo! Celebrity article HERE. This crime, which followed numerous racial harassment charges throughout his teenage years, included assault and he was sentenced to some prison time. After doing a little research I discovered that a Pardon is a forgiveness from the state and restores any felony based restrictions but does not erase the crime or remove it from your record. There has been speculation as to why he's requesting this pardon such as to detract from an upcoming poor performing movie or to gain an ABC license for a restaurant. He claims the pardon request comes from turning his life around and has worked hard to become a positive role model for kids growing up in disadvantaged areas. In the Yahoo! Celebrity article Marky Mark is quoted as saying
"I've worked really hard to be a positive influence for kids growing up in communities like mine who don't really have a chance, to try to provide them an opportunity to be successful and so that's why I'm doing it."
I don't know what his motive might be but it certainly isn't because 'I'm a good person now'. He is essentially waiving his fame and money around saying 'I'm famous, I have money, and therefore I'm going to use that to get whatever I want'. Seems a bit insensitive to me. Shouldn't he be putting the time and money he is wasting on the pardon request, on those people he is so desperately trying to not be like? Use that money to support people who can't get jobs because of their (non-violent) felonies. Do something more productive and a little less self centered.
No matter how old how he or I get he'll always be that bad boy from the movie Fear (warning....this video has adult material).
And he'll always be Marky Mark.....(warning this video has some really bad 90's fashion statements).
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