Monday, December 22, 2014

Conversations with Mom

Me:  I tried calling earlier but the answering machine didn't pick up so I figured you were on the phone.
Mom:  Yeah, the phone kept making this weird noise.  I didn't know what it was.  Was that you calling with call waiting?
Me:  Yes mom, that was call waiting.

Let me postface this conversation with a few notes....
1.  My mother is NOT tech savvy.
2.  My parents used the same home telephone service for years.  They had just the basic service, no voicemail (they still have an answering machine), no call waiting (callers would get the busy sound), no three way calling.  It was a HUGE deal when we got Caller ID 20 years ago.
3.  My parents just moved several states away and had to get a new telephone service which included call waiting.

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