Monday, November 24, 2014

Why do I do this to myself?

In a previous post I let you guys know that I can't cook.  Not entirely true as I can cook enough to get by without us eating out everyday.  Well, since we don't have family close by anymore and we are not able to travel, I will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner for us.........and 5 additional people.  First it was just us and the roommate.  Then another, and another, and another until we got up to a total of 8 fucking people!  Yes, this situation has brought out the F-word.  What the fuck was I thinking????  Obviously, I wasn't.  I apologize in advance to the people who will be joining us.  I'm thinking of having a disclaimer already printed for them to sign as soon as they walk in to the house, stating that they will not hold me accountable should they get food poisoning and die.

I can't cook!  Why would I even volunteer to cook for other people?  The only reason I can think of insanity.  Yeah, that's it!  Go ahead...lock me up.....then I won't have to cook.  Yay!  But can I bring my wine?

We are having....

Turkey (in it's own bag, I don't have to do anything other than put it in the oven and then take it out)
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Mac n' Cheese (crockpot)
Macaroni Salad (specifically requested)
Banana Pudding (specifically requested otherwise I would have just bought a pie)

Is it sacrilegious not to have pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving?

I'll be having wine for dinner.  And lots of it.

Are you cooking Thanksgiving dinner?  For how many people and what's on the menu?

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